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Category: 2014
Written by: Nick Jack
Hits: 2666

We are currently finding ourselves in times like none of us would have experienced before that is a challenge to our minds as much as our bodies. For me I’m trying to keep things in my life as simple as possible to avoid the stress of juggling too many things. And when it comes to eating a healthy diet this is as important as it has ever been to ensure we maintain a healthy immune system. What you eat or don't eat can have a direct impact on how quickly you recover from an infection and whether you catch the bug in the first place. I have been receiving many questions about how to stay on track during this time so I thought that it would be great to share 7 meal plan ideas that work for me during this time. As I said earlier keeping things simple makes it so much easier to stay on track and avoid sabotaging all of your hard work, especially as we don’t know how long this could last for.  It will be very easy to fall into bad habits, and gain unnecessary weight, especially now when you may be working from home or in self isolation.

Category: 2014
Written by: Nick Jack
Hits: 3187

With many people losing their job or their business in lock-down due to the Coronavirus many of us are forced to make some big changes in our lifestyle to save money. One of the first things we look at is the money we spend on food and many people think that eating healthy is too hard and very expensive. It makes sense for us to see it like that when many processed foods appear to be very cheap, even take away meals from fast food restaurants are very cheap in comparison to a healthy meal. But we know that eating this way will be at the expense to our health. How can you eat healthy but not spend too much? The good news is creating healthy delicious dinners doesn't have to break the bank or taste bland and boring. In this article we asked our nutrition expert Mel to give you some of her best tips to eat healthy on a budget, along with some easy recipes that you can keep to feed the entire family. Enjoy.

Category: 2014
Written by: Nick Jack
Hits: 2465

One thing many local footballers will be given by their football or fitness coach during pre-season, or during times away from the game such as the Coronavirus lock-downs in 2020-21, is an aerobic based running base. Although this is definitely necessary, it’s only one piece of the puzzle to ensure players are ready to go once the time does come to play (whenever that is). This is probably the hardest thing about current times in relation to training for sport and more specifically football in this case. No one actually knows when the season is going to start again. However, when it does start, it’s more than likely going to be at the drop of a hat and having time to train and prepare as a team is going to be minimal.  We asked our trainer Dylan Vizzarri who plays Division 1 Football for Blackburn (pictured below) and a highly experienced strength and conditioning coach to explain exactly how he is overcoming this situation and the critical things you need to know for staying in shape.
