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Category: 2014
Written by: Nick Jack
Hits: 6605

Over the last year the Ketogenic diet has attracted a lot of attention and the article by Melissa from June last year (how to use the keto diet to improve your health) provided some great information as to how this diet works and the pros and cons of following this eating method. Since publishing that article we constantly receive emails asking what foods are the best to use and if we have any recipe ideas. So to help you out we asked Mel to put together her top 10 list of foods she likes to use along with some of her best recipes for each food so you have a stack of ideas to use. 

Category: 2014
Written by: Nick Jack
Hits: 6395

There is still a belief held by many people that strength training is just for young people who want to bulk up and look good in a mirror. And while there are some benefits to the size of muscles and how you look the benefits are so much more than that. One of my missions in life is to try and change this perception and thinking and educate people in the community that strength training is an absolute must for their health. If you are a female over 50 strength training is critical because it will protect you against the rapidly forming osteoporosis by increasing your bone density. But it does not stop there as it is also proven to improve chronic conditions such as arthritis, back pain, heart disease, cancer and even depression. Instead of a long drawn out article to explain this I have created a very quick to read info-graphic with some compelling statistics and information about the true benefits of strength training that you can share with your friends and family. Enjoy.

Category: 2014
Written by: Nick Jack
Hits: 8133

There is no doubting the Coronavirus has created a lot of fear, hysteria, and panic around the world and there is so much information being spread it is hard to get a handle on what is accurate and what we need to be aware of. When we hear about deadly diseases our minds tend to race and jump to conclusions and fear makes us believe there is nothing we can do. While some things may be out of our control, there are many things that are not and by placing a stronger focus in these areas you can give your body the best possible chance to build resilience and strength to withstand infections and even overcome illness, injury, and even disease. The most important thing you can do to is boost your immune system to fight off any potential infections. In this article we show you how.
