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Category: 2014
Written by: Nick Jack
Hits: 2755

With the current health crisis affecting the world with the Coronavirus we have created a simple infographic you can print out to help you boost your immune system to fight off any potential infection. Our bodies are very resilient and when given the right tools and attention it has remarkable abilities to heal itself and protect us from harm. We must remember that our immune system is our first line of defence against infections, so the most effective method of preventing illness is support your immune system. The foods we eat and other lifestyle factors are critical to the health of our immune function with nutrition arguably the most vital component in achieving this. This infographic gives you some simple things you can begin using immediately to boost your immune system. Make sure you read our full article with a complete breakdown of each method by clicking here.

Category: 2014
Written by: Nick Jack
Hits: 8573

One of the most confusing things I come across when working with people who have chronic injury is why the body chooses to stiffen joints and continue using this strategy even though it is causing itself considerable pain? Our instincts and common treatment strategies to get rid of stiffness in many cases only serve to make it worse if we ignore the reason behind the stiffness in the first place which in all cases will come back to poor stability and movement skill. This is definitely one of those topics that can be really confusing to get your head around at first for the solution goes against common logic. However, once you understand WHY the body is using this strategy you will appreciate that the solution is not just to remove stiffness but it replace it with a better alternative. In this article I will show you how.

Category: 2014
Written by: Nick Jack
Hits: 11472

Most of us at some point in our life have imagined having amazing washboard abs that we see covering the magazine covers. We have been convinced that to achieve this we must isolate the abdominal muscles with specific exercises to make it stronger and more toned. When it comes to training abs, or the core as it is commonly known, it seems like all knowledge, common sense, and logic on the subject of function is thrown out the window. What we are left with is exercises and methods that either do not work, or lead to severe injuries and pain. And the muscle that is often right in the firing line is the OBLIQUE abdominal muscles. There is no doubt the obliques are a very important part of the human body for controlling movement in the frontal plane and they provide some very unique movements that keep us free from injury and pain. They are also one of the most misunderstood and abused set of muscles and most people are not even aware that there is actually four of these muscles, as there is both internal and external oblique muscles. In this article we will explain why many of the beliefs, exercises, and program methods currently used for the oblique muscles may in fact be weakening you and exposing your body to potential injury. These muscles are not designed to function as other muscles and as a result should not be trained the same way.
