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Category: 2014
Written by: Nick Jack
Hits: 5314

Strength training is a fantastic form of exercise for women to develop a toned appearance and strong healthier bones. For a long time it was only used by body builders who were predominately male, while the girls spent time with other fitness based exercises like aerobics. Over the past 10-15 years there has been a big shift in the knowledge surrounding strength training for women which is great, but there is still many myths surrounding the true value of lifting weights with women. To help debunk many of these myths and provide you with some information you may not know about strength training we asked two of our female trainers Melissa and Kim to put together a series of articles and videos explaining what strength training for girls is all about. They will explain exactly what it has done for their body and also the hundreds of female clients they have trained over the past 8 years. This first article Mel provides a simple to read info-graphic that explains 5 of the main benefits to lifting weights. Enjoy.

Category: 2014
Written by: Nick Jack
Hits: 4081

Earlier this year we asked one of our trainers Kim Logan to write a detailed article about the various strategies she successfully used to improve her mental health, during a very tough time in her life. In that article (Changing mindset is the key to mental health) Kim discussed the value of using meditation as a way to control your emotions and thoughts to bring you back to the present moment. While many people are familiar with the concept of meditation there are many who have never tried it before and unsure of what it all means. So we asked Kim to follow up that article with a simple explanation of what meditation is all about, and more importantly how to learn meditation if you have never tried it before. This is the first in a three part series of articles discussing how to go from "Zero to Hero" with health and fitness methods. I hope you enjoy it.

Category: 2014
Written by: Nick Jack
Hits: 2540

Garlic is one of those unique foods that adds instant flavour to any meal and livens up any dish. However, garlic is so much more than just a flavour enhancer, as it provides numerous health benefits to your body to enable you to live life to the fullest. We provide you with a great info-graphic to help explain just how good this unique food is to your health.
