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Category: 2014
Written by: Nick Jack
Hits: 7957

Cancer in many countries is now rated as the number one cause of death. There is endless amount of research and money spent each year on trying to find a "cure" for this disease that is now responsible for approximately third of all deaths each year in countries like Australia and America. Many people regard this disease attributed to external factors beyond our control, when really, it is in most cases the end result of poor lifestyle choices and factors. Smoking, poor nutrition, lack of exercise, too much sun exposure are all factors that can create the perfect situation for cancer to be "born" and wreak havoc on the body. The difficulty in treating the disease, especially when it is diagnosed at an advanced stage is significant. Recent advances in cancer treatment have led to decrease in mortality with this disease but fighting cells that have degenerated to such a degree remains an extremely difficult task for the specialists working with these patients. One interesting factor is that the same methods used to prevent cancer such as improved nutrition, increase physical activity (in particular adding muscle mass), have also been very effective for helping patients during the treatment stage. One of the worst things you could do when diagnosed as having the disease is to become inactive and sedentary. This article we will share some of the reasons why exercise is so important.

Category: 2014
Written by: Nick Jack
Hits: 9250

Having been in the health and fitness industry for over 15 years now, I have seen hundreds of people get to the stage where they are working out all the time but nothing seems to change. When they first started an exercise program the results were almost immediate as only a few relatively simple exercises was enough to force the body to adapt and make significant changes. We all remember that day after you did your first strength workout of lunges or squats and how you could barely sit on chair for the next few days as your muscles ached all over? However, after a few weeks of being consistent with your training it started to get easier and not hurt as much as before. You could even add some load to the exercise as you felt so much stronger. Everything seems fine until you changed the exercise program to something you had not tried before, and guess what? That's right you were sore again! Why does this happen even though you have become stronger with the previous workout? The answer has to do with several factors which I will explain in this article, but the critical thing to understand is that you were inefficient for that exercise. Your body had to make some changes in order to prepare for future occurrence where it is forced to do that workout again. This is the secret to constant improvement and how to avoid getting stuck in a rut.

Category: 2014
Written by: Nick Jack
Hits: 6860

Attention: Young up and coming tennis stars, and adult pennant level players.

> Are You Lacking Consistency In Your Game?
> Do You Want To Improve Your Serving Speed?
> Do You Have Reoccurring Shoulder Pain?
> Are You Struggling To Pick Up That Drop Shot?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you need to join our Tennis Specific Strength Training Program we provide at No Regrets Personal Training - 10/18-20 Redland Drive, Mitcham. This article gives you a sneak peek inside our program and how you can dramatically improve your game without even picking up a racquet!
