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Category: 2014
Written by: Nick Jack
Hits: 8724

Only 25% of the people we talk to about food eat three or more servings of vegetables a day! And the ones they do happen to eat are not often green leafy vegetables or cruciferous veggies. If you are in the majority who is not eating enough veggies full stop, you are missing out big time on major benefits, as these food groups are one of the pivotal cornerstones to optimal health. Just doing more workouts is a waste of time if you are not getting your nutrition right. The more unhealthy you are the more important green vegetables & cruciferous foods become. Vegetables contain an array of antioxidants and other disease-fighting compounds that are very difficult to get anywhere else. Plant chemicals called phyto-chemicals can reduce inflammation and eliminate carcinogens, while others regulate the rate at which your cells reproduce, get rid of old cells and maintain DNA.

Category: 2014
Written by: Nick Jack
Hits: 11216

I don’t often highlight individual success stories as I don’t like to make one person’s success seem more significant than another as we are all on our own individual journey. However I feel compelled to share three inspiring case studies to really drive home that even with the most severe injuries, exercise if prescribed correctly can make a massive difference. We must get away from looking for a magic pill or some surgery to get rid of our pain, and start looking at the body as a complex computer with many programs and systems running at the same time that can cause big problems if the underlying problem is not addressed. The reason I want to share these particular stories in the article below is for several reasons.

  1. They share the same problem – Severe Lower Back Pain causing nerve damage and paralysis!
  2. They are all relatively young (26-40 years of age) with an injury most would deem to be an older person problem
  3. Surgery in some cases made the problem worse and never addressed the “real root cause”
  4. The solution we used was almost identical, yet very different!

If you are someone suffering with chronic back pain now, make sure you read this full article as it will give you plenty of hope on how to get on top of your problem once and for all and also prevent you from making the mistakes that many of the population make. I left the full story written of each client in the article so you can see exactly what they were going through during their worst and best times on our program.

Category: 2014
Written by: Nick Jack
Hits: 5551

Most injuries that people suffer with from day to day are due to a postural imbalance or movement problem. There are the exceptions that are what we call trauma injuries from a car accident or sporting collision, but these are relatively rare in comparison to the injuries and pain people endure throughout their life. Many of these injuries come to the surface when starting an exercise program and as a result the blame is usually pointed towards the exercise. However there rarely is anything wrong with the exercise, more to the point, there is something wrong with your body's ability to do the exercise, and your technique. Many of the injuries we see as rehabilitation specialists could have been easily avoided if people stuck to a few simple rules and followed a gradual progression of difficulty, instead of jumping straight into the hard stuff. 
