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Category: 2014
Written by: Nick Jack
Hits: 5400

One of the most confusing and frustrating injuries to rehabilitate is piriformis syndrome. The symptoms of this problem often mimic other injuries and can easily lead to incorrect treatments of the underlying problem as people attempt to relieve their pain. Unfortunately the longer this condition is left untreated at the source the more chronic the pain becomes forcing the body to compensate around the pain. This compensation sets off a chain reaction of other problems that create an ongoing vicious cycle as the body continues to try to avoid pain. Rest is one of the worst things you can do and often rapidly increases the severity of the pain and this is where many people are left feeling desperate and lost as to what to do next. Many of my previous articles relating to piriformis syndrome have focused on corrective exercises and strategies to resolve the problem. But, by far the fastest way to combat this is to identify the original cause or pain trigger and remove it. This article I will show you exactly how to do this and find an answer to this once and for all.

Category: 2014
Written by: Nick Jack
Hits: 10613

Two of the most difficult areas of the body to try and restore stability and function to when injured are the shoulder and the elbow. The shoulder is such an amazing joint in that it has an incredible amount of mobility and is able to perform some incredibly powerful and dynamic movements. But this awesome mobility comes at a cost, as the stability of the shoulder can be very easily compromised. And when this happens is when injury and pain takes over. Funnily enough, the problems seen with the shoulder and elbow are closely related to the same dysfunction and instability being driven by the scapula. Unfortunately, this is an area often missed with typical treatments for the elbow, as people are fixated on trying to remove the pain. Trying to treat the elbow without addressing the underlying cause is pointless, and in this article, I will explain exactly how you can begin correcting your elbow problem at the source instead of treating symptoms.

Category: 2014
Written by: Nick Jack
Hits: 6041

Heart disease is one of the leading causes of death, and for the past 60 years, saturated fat and cholesterol have been wrongfully vilified as the culprits. Right at the top of the list, as a food to avoid, was butter. If you are like me and enjoy some butter on a baked potato, toast, or corn cob, you were made to feel guilty for eating something so fattening. The media and the relentless advertising on TV tell us that margarine is much better for us, and butter is the enemy as it will make you fat and kill you! What you will find is that butter is a very healthy food for us to eat and it contains some rich sources of vitamins essential to the function of many of our vital organs for the prevention of disease. In this article, I will try to shed light on many interesting things about butter that you never knew and allow you to enjoy eating this again without the guilt it is doing you harm.
