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Category: 2014
Written by: Nick Jack
Hits: 5382

This article is something that I found very relevant to my own health and fitness goals in recent years. I have suffered numerous setbacks and injuries that have completely derailed my plans but instead of throwing in the towel and giving up I had to adjust my training and also my nutrition to meet my body's needs. We must accept that things are never perfect, there is always going to be something that may come up in our life that could sabotage our best efforts and intentions to be the best we can. I also share with you some great info-graphics from the guys at Precision Nutrition that I find really helpful when things are tough.

Category: 2014
Written by: Nick Jack
Hits: 9660

Apart from lower back pain the most common injury I come across in our studio each week is knee pain. It affects people of all ages, with many young sporting athletes suffering with patella-femoral problems and more severe ACL injuries. But it also greatly affects sedentary people and can become a much bigger problem if not resolved at the source and eventually begin to create injuries at other joints of the body. According to the current study by Nguyen and colleagues, frequent knee pain affects 25% of adults, and osteoarthritis is the most common cause of knee pain in adults 50 years and older. In recent years, the rate of knee replacements has surged. Rates have tripled in women in the United Kingdom and have increased 8 times in the United States among those 65 years and older. Is this due to aging or is there someone much bigger at play behind the cause of this? I would argue it is due to two things. Lack of movement and poor movement. What you will find with most knee injuries it is nothing to do with the knee itself! To find out what is behind the problem we need to use a series of tests and assessments to find where the leaks are coming from. This article we will show you how.

Category: 2014
Written by: Nick Jack
Hits: 9264

Its never too late to start your health and fitness journey, and exercise is important to ALL of us no matter what age you currently are. We just have to recognize that the priority for each age group differs considerably and understand what are the potential dangers to our body at various times in our life. As we age our body’s needs will change and if our nutrition and exercise program matches this we can maintain great health. We should always be aiming to have a well-balanced healthy diet and be constantly trying to move throughout the day, but as we age we will need to vary what foods we eat and what exercise we do. To help explain how things change and what to look out for we will start with children and work our way through the generations providing you with a summary of what the main priority at each age should be.
