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Category: 2014
Written by: Nick Jack
Hits: 38386

Anyone who has had that real burning feeling in their heel or underneath their foot knows all about Plantar Fasciitis. It can be a very annoying and painful chronic injury that can affect daily life and limit you from playing sports and simply just walking around. Most solutions are to use stretches and massage to relieve the pain. And while this may be effective at taking your pain away, they are merely just treating your symptoms it will not actually deal with why you got this problem in the first place. In this article I will show you some of the simple steps we have proven to work with not just plantar fasciitis, but also with other leg injuries and feet stability problems and even be able to help many people with severe walking impairments from spinal cord injury or disease. You will see videos and pictures of real life clients in our rehabilitation program from over 11 years as Personal Trainers in Melbourne. We know these methods work for we use them successfully everyday, and we want to help you learn these secrets in order to have an effective long term solution for your injury.

Category: 2014
Written by: Nick Jack
Hits: 6672

This is a very common question I hear from clients all the time and it is easy to see why. You can pick up the newspaper any day of the week and find all types of information about why we should eat more Kale because it is loaded with this vitamin, or we should be drinking more red wine as scientist have discovered it has anti oxidants that may reduce your risk of cancer, etc etc. You will also find at some point the exact opposite answer in another publication. Both scientifically proven with research results. So what do we do? No wonder we are confused. Putting aside all of this research, basic logic would tell you that if you increase your levels of vitamins, let's say with a multi vitamin capsule then this can only do good things for you. Right? Well it is not so easy as that, and in fact you could be doing more harm than good. I also find that people who rely so heavily on vitamins and supplements rarely eat good organic food & meats, and eat a poor variety of vegetables. They really are trying to use a synthetic capsule to make up for their poor nutrition choices. What I will show you in this article not only is that a poor strategy but also one that could cause mor harm than good!

Category: 2014
Written by: Nick Jack
Hits: 4675

If heart health is a concern for you, it's important that you are giving good consideration to what foods you put into your body each and every day.

What you eat will have a dramatic influence over your cholesterol levels as well as your risk factor for heart disease. Heart-health friendly diets should be rich in lean protein, healthy fats, especially the mono-unsaturated and omega varieties, along with plenty of fibre rich carbohydrates. Sugar and trans fats should be kept out of the picture at all times.

Combine recipes like this plus regular jog outside or on your treadmill and you can rest assured you're taking a large step forward as far as your risk factor is concerned. To help get the process started, we've come up with a great recipe that will utilize these key food ingredients, while also supporting a healthy body weight.
