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Category: 2014
Written by: Nick Jack
Hits: 2636

Injuries are inevitable, especially in such a demanding game like AFL football where it requires a unique combination of endurance, strength, speed and agility, as well a frequent high impact collisions. We asked our trainer Dylan Vizzarri who plays Division 1 Football for Blackburn to write an article about his personal journey of rehabilitating his own body from many severe injuries over the past 4 years. Many of these injuries could have been avoided if he knew what he knows now, saving him from a lot of pain and frustration. Some of these injuries have seen him miss an entire football season! This is a must read for any amateur football players with to avoid the mistakes we see so many players make with their fitness training methods.

Category: 2014
Written by: Nick Jack
Hits: 1869

If there is one thing that really scares an older adult it is the risk of falling. There are many reasons why older adults are more exposed to falling, but we must not fall into the trap of believing it is part of the process of getting older. We know we cannot stop the ageing process. But we can change HOW we age, by using exercise to prevent the loss of muscle and our ability to move with daily activities. We have covered this topic in great detail previously in many articles (see how to prevent falls with seniors) but I wanted to provide a simple easy to read info-graphic to explain this topic to as many people as possible. Many of the pictures shown in the image below are clients aged between 70 and 85 years from our Stronger For Longer class we hold twice per week. This proves that even at the age of 70 plus you can still improve and work on things that prevent the potentially fatal consequences from a fall.

Category: 2014
Written by: Nick Jack
Hits: 1874

Here is another recipe from Mel to give you some ideas of how to eat healthy but still have food that tastes amazing! This is a follow up to her previous recipe of slow cooked beef. In recent months we have shared a stack of content relating to the Keto diet and how important it is to eat a good variety of fats and proteins for this eating method to work. Where people usually get stuck is coming up with new recipe ideas to keep their nutrition healthy, but at the same time tasty. I hope you have a go at making this dish as it is delicious.
