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Category: 2014
Written by: Nick Jack
Hits: 7236

Without a doubt the most difficult movement to help someone improve is WALKING. There is so many moving parts within the gait cycle that the use of simple isolated exercises do very little to improve the motor program. But due to this complexity it makes it very difficult to find exercises that are both useful and safe to do. The two main problems associated with loss of stability in the gait cycle are smaller stride lengths and a loss of speed. A slowing of neural firing speed, (the brains message to the nerves within muscles for movement) from lack of exercise produces a slower response time for the initiation of movement. To make up for the body’s lost reaction it compensates by slowing everything down and shortening our stride to overcome our lost reflexes and reaction times. In theory this sounds like a good thing, but in reality this sets people up for disastrous accidents. In this article we show you some simple tests to use for identifying exactly where your loss of stability is that is affecting how you walk, and how these tests can then become a great exercise for significantly improving your walking ability.

Category: 2014
Written by: Nick Jack
Hits: 8897

We regularly cover articles and videos about various methods and exercises you can use to strengthen the body to either correct muscle imbalance and injury, or improve overall movement performance for life and sports. Rarely do we provide you with a set workout to follow for it is impossible to have a one size fits all training program. We are all unique in the way our bodies move and the best workout is the one that is tailored specifically to your needs, instead of following someone else’s training program which is what you see all the time in magazines and social media. Having said all that, I am going to share with you today a workout I have been using myself a lot over the past few months and why I rate this as my best workout of all time. Some of the exercises I substitute for similar ones so don’t get hung up on the specifics of each exercise, instead pay attention to the logic behind the overall structure of the method that is used. This is something I wish I had been using years ago as the benefits it has provided to my body in a very quick time has been nothing short of astounding. Enjoy.

Category: 2014
Written by: Nick Jack
Hits: 10796

When it comes to learning a musical instrument we know that technique is everything and coaching will make it so much easier to learn the necessary skills required. The learning process is simple in the beginning before gradually progressing to more complex skills as you improve. Simply playing more and hoping you just work it out will not make you a better guitar player. You need to learn the technique and spend time with fundamentals to get better. This exact principle applies to exercise, yet many ignore the need for learning technique in the sake of getting more done. This is a dangerous road to head down for if we lack fundamental movement skills and place more emphasis on quantity instead of quality we are now building fitness on a dysfunctional body. Unlike the musical instrument where poor technique just sounds bad, poor technique with exercise over a period of time inevitably leads to poor performance, injury and pain. Today’s society tend to treat exercise like going to war with their body, instead of trying to gradually challenge and allow the body to adapt. We forget there must be a balance between quality work and rest to ensure we move well. In this article we take a close look at everything to do with exercise technique and why quality beats quantity every time.
