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High Fibre Foods That Are LOW In Carbohydrates

Written by: Nick Jack
Category: 2014
on 25 August 2021
Hits: 2103

Low carbohydrate diets like the Keto diet have become very popular in recent times as many people look for effective methods to lose weight and improve their health. While we hear a lot about eating less calories and the numerous health benefits of protein and fats, we often overlook the importance of eating fibre to the health of our body. Cutting out carbs too much can be a problem if you are not aware of what foods contain high amount of fibre to help with digestion of fats and proteins. Research shows that people who consume high-fibre diets have much lower rates of constipation than individuals that eat a low-fibre diet, however, too much fibre may result in loose stools, bloating, or even diarrhea. Finding the right balance is the key, and eating a wide range of fresh vegetables and fruits is the key to getting this right. In this article, we will discuss what these foods are.

What Is Fibre?

Dietary fibre is a non-digestible carbohydrate found in foods.

There are two broad categories based on its water solubility:

  1. Soluble fibre: Dissolves in water and can be metabolized by the “good” bacteria in the gut.
  2. Insoluble fibre: Does not dissolve in water.

The US Food and Nutrition Board recommends a minimum daily fibre intake 38 grams per day for men and 25 grams per day for women.

Why Is Fibre Beneficial to Our Health?

Unlike other carbohydrates, fibre is not broken down and absorbed by your digestive tract. Instead, fibre passes through your system until it reaches your colon, where it is either fermented by bacteria or eliminated by the body. Plant foods & vegetables contain a combination of both soluble and insoluble fibre.

Although is well known for helping to relieve constipation, fibre has also been found to play several other health roles, these include:

  • Better diabetes control: For people with Type 2 diabetes soluble fibre can help lower blood sugar.
  • Lower LDL cholesterol levels: Both soluble and insoluble fibre may help to reduce LDL cholesterol.
  • Potential weight loss: Fibre helps you to feel full for longer and therefore prevent additional snacking.
  • Improve lung capacity: In our article about lung health we explained how people on low fibre diets were more exposed to respiratory problems.
  • Relief from irritable bowel syndrome: Insoluble fibre bulks up stool, soluble fibre seems to be more beneficial for irritable bowel syndrome.
  • Reducing gastrointestinal cancer risk: Eating enough fibre can have protective health effects for example protecting our bodies against certain cancer types, including colon cancer.

Fibre can provide our bodies with many health benefits, however for some of us a high fibre diet can cause problems. People with active diverticulitis, inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis), or gastroparesis may need to limit fibre intake & should discuss this with your GP.

Let’s look at the best foods to eat. Below are two great videos explaining why it is so important to eat a wide variety of foods.


Top High Fibre / Low Carbohydrate Foods to Include In Your Diet!

  1. Avocado: Fun fact, did you know that avocado is technically a fruit! 100 grams of avocado will provide your body with 7 grams of fibre and only 2 grams of net carbohydrates. Avocados are a great source of good quality fats; they will help you to fill full and satisfied after your meal and they promote heart health.
  2. Asparagus: Asparagus can be eaten steamed or grilled and can for example be added to soups, salads, and frittatas. 160 grams of asparagus will provide our body with 3 grams of fibre and only 3 grams of net carbohydrates. Asparagus is a great source of Vitamin’s B & C.
  3. Broccoli, Brussels Sprout & Cauliflower: Did you know that broccoli, brussels sprout and cauliflower all belong to the cruciferous vegetable family? This means that they all have great anti-cancer fighting properties. 150 grams of cooked broccoli contains 5 grams of fibre and only 6 grams of net carbohydrates.
  4. Leafy Greens: Leafy greens are so versatile and can for example be eaten raw in salads, sauteed in stir fries & even added to juices or smoothies. For every 100 grams of cooked spinach, you will receive 4 grams of fibre and 1 gram of net carbohydrates. Green vegetables are one of the best foods you can eat for iron and calcium and should be a big part of your diet.
  5. Green Beans: Fun fact, did you know that green beans are technically a legume? They do however contain fewer carbohydrates than other legumes, eg lentils.  100 grams of cooked green beans will provide your body with 3.5 grams of fibre and 3.5 grams of net carbohydrates.
  6. Raspberries & Blackberries: For those of you who follow the Keto diet, berries don’t technically fit in as they are normally very high in carbohydrates.  However, raspberries & blackberries can be enjoyed in small quantities on the keto diet, these berries are the highest in fibre and lowest in net carbohydrates.  For every 100 grams of raspberries, you will receive 6.5 grams of fibre and 5 grams of net carbohydrates.
  7. Macadamia Nuts, Hazelnuts & Pecans: These nuts are a great mobile snack. Research suggests that nuts can improve some heart health matters, for example lowering LDL cholesterol levels.  Macadamia nuts, hazelnuts & pecans are all low in carbohydrates, 100 grams of macadamia nuts will provide our bodies with 9 grams of fibre & 5 grams of net carbohydrates, 100 grams of hazelnuts will provide our bodies will 10 grams of fibre & 7 grams of net carbohydrates, 100 grams of pecans will provide our bodies with 10 grams of fibre & 4 grams of net carbohydrates.
  8. Chia Seeds: Did you know that when you combine chia seeds with water it sets and forms a gel. Chia seeds will also keep you fuller for longer and can help to improve blood sugar levels.  28 grams of chia seeds will provide us with 10 grams of fibre and 2 grams of net carbohydrates.
  9. Dried Coconut: Dried coconut can be added to smoothies, sprinkled over full fat creek yoghurt, or added to your raw nuts for a great mobile snack. In its dry form coconut is high in fibre, 40 grams of dried coconut provides our bodies with 7 grams of fibre and 3b grams of net carbohydrates.
  10. Psyllium Husk:  Is the active agent ingredient in many products designed to relieve constipation, as psyllium husk is well known for it's laxative properties. Psyllium is very high in fibre, 10 grams of psyllium husk provides the body with 8 grams of fibre and less than 1 gram of net carbohydrates.

Do You Need More Help?

I suggest to grab a copy of our PDF report that shows you how to create a simple step by step nutrition plan by slowly implementing steps one at a time. There may be many things you need to change, but by focusing only on one the chances of succeeding over the long term are increased dramatically increased. This includes over 30 healthy recipes you can follow to help you get your eating on track. You can instantly download a PDF version of this detailed nutrition program by clicking here.


There is no doubting that fibre is essential to our health in various ways. Finding non-processed foods that are high in fibre, but low in carbohydrates are the best sources to eat and this article provides you with many choices.  Always remember you can have too much fibre so you must strive to find the perfect balance. Talk to your GP or your dietician for specific guidance to your body.

Always remember this.

High Fibre foods + Low Carbohydrate Foods = A Perfect Combination.

If you live in Melbourne and would like to know more about this or any of our programs click the banner below to request a free consultation. 

About The Author

Nick Jack is owner of No Regrets Personal Training and has over 15 years’ experience as a qualified Personal Trainer, Level 2 Rehabilitation trainer, CHEK practitioner, and Level 2 Sports conditioning Coach. Based in Melbourne Australia he specialises in providing solutions to injury and health problems for people of all ages using the latest methods of assessing movement and corrective exercise.


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